
The U.S.-China Restaurant Alliance, abbreviated as UCRA, is a non-profit, non- political organization that has three major functions including traditional association, business alliance and academic research institution. UCRA was founded in 2018 by celebrity chef Tony Hu, the president of Lao Sze Chuan Restaurant Group and the honorary president of Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago. UCRA closely ties the restaurant industry and its related sectors such like bars, real estate, media, accounting, insurance, designing, construction & decoration, legal advising, food importing and wholesale, tourism, culinary education, culinary R&D institution and restaurant industry organizations across the United State and China. Headquartered in Chicago, the purpose of UCRA is to build world’s top food exchange platform, promoting the U.S. restaurant industry development, helping China’s top industry brands to grow abroad, and introducing renowned restaurant chains to China. Through this platform, we can make friends through food and enhance friendship and make valuable contribution to prosper Chinese cuisine. We are committed to enhancing this global platform for the industry and strengthening international friendship.

UCRA has been sincerely cooperating with all positive individuals and organizations. We have invited many famous figures from more than 100 major countries and districts over the globe and formed a solid consulting team, which includes world renowned chefs, outstanding industry entrepreneurs, famous organization chairs and notable food journalists. Now we have branches and connection stations in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Xi’an, Tianjin, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Washington D.C., Kansas, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Ervin, North Carolina, Philadelphia, Virginia, Utah, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Minnesota, Atlanta, Dallas, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Nebraska, Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Belgium, Cambodia, Russia, and Italy. Some of the most well-known large events we have been hosting are “Root Search — Food Tour to China”, “U.S. Chinese Cuisine International Forum”, “Global composition competition of ‘My Opinion About Chinese Food’ ”, “Food of Love”, “Chinese Cuisine World Championship”, “Chicagoland’s Next Top Singer Karaoke Competition”, and we have been electing and awarding “World’s Excellent Chefs”, “World’s Best Chef”, “World’s Outstanding Managers”, “World’s Best Manager”, “World’s Outstanding Restaurants”, “World’s Best Restaurant”, “Global Excellent Person Award in Promoting Chinese Cuisine Culture”, “Global Outstanding Contribution Award in Promoting Chinese Cuisine Culture”, and “Lifetime Achievement in Promoting Chinese Cuisine Culture” etc. 

美中餐饮业联合会是集一般行业协会,商会和学术研究机构三者于一体的非营利非政治组织,由大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会名誉主席美国老四川餐饮集团董事长胡晓军先生于2018年创办,它将与餐饮业相关链的各行各业紧密地联合在一起,函盖美中两国的餐厅,酒吧,地产,媒体,税务,会计,保险,设计,装修,法律,食品进出口及批发,旅游,烹饪学校及研发机构,美食协会及组织等,总部设在芝加哥,目的是致力于打造全球顶级餐饮业交流平台,帮助美中餐饮业交流发展,推动中国餐饮业著名品牌走出国门, 引进海外餐饮业连锁品牌到中国,加强世界餐饮业交流,同时也以食为媒,繁荣中餐, 以食会友,增进友谊,为中餐立足于世界餐饮业之林作出自己应有的贡献。同时搭建好全球交流平台,增进全球民间友谊!我会与一切正能量的个人,企业和社团精诚合作,己在全球100多个主要代表性国家和地区各邀请了一些名厨,一些名餐饮企业家,一些名协会会长及一些名美食记者,协会精英等作为顾问,现己在北京,上海,成都,重庆,福州,西安,天津,香港,台湾,澳门,纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山,休斯顿,华盛顿,堪城,密西西比,威斯康辛州,尔湾市,北卡罗来纳州,费城,维吉尼亚,犹他州,印地安那州,爱荷华州,俄亥俄州,明尼苏达州, 亚特兰大, 达拉斯,乔治亚州,佛罗里达州,田纳西,内布拉斯加,以及加拿大,英国,法国,德国,比利时,柬埔寨,俄罗斯,意大利设立了分会或联络站。代表性的大型活动有举办美食寻根之旅,举办美国中餐国际论坛,全球“中餐之我见“征文比赛,“爱心餐捐赠“,“声动芝加哥”卡拉OK大赛,举办中餐世界烹饪锦标赛,全球优秀厨师,最佳厨师,优秀经理人,最佳经理人,优秀名店,最佳名店,全球弘扬中华饮食文化优秀人物奖,全球弘扬中华饮食文化杰出贡献奖,全球弘扬中华饮食文化终生成就奖评选和颁奖等。

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作为全美最权威的中餐组织为我们提供一切有关餐饮业的各类咨询服务,如何选址, 如何开办经营餐馆,各州的开办餐馆的法律程序, 税务,食品条例,市场定位, 菜品质量,成本,装修,市场营销等所有相关问题。


美中餐饮业联合会提供一切餐饮行业相关职业培训,包括经营培训,管理培训,厨师培训, 礼仪培训, 员工培训,卫生培训,服务培训, 专业技能培训,市场推广培训,以及商业拓展培训等一些列全面培训服务


美中餐饮业联合会拥有顶尖的美国品牌策划和市场营销的团队精英。 不论您需要品牌形象策划, 店面装修,广告推广,平面设计, 网站设计,还是社交媒体我们都会提供专业的服务为您打造成功的品牌。

  • 中餐海外拓展

    美国中餐学会是全美最顶尖最权威的中餐平台致力于帮助扶持中国中餐企业走出国门, 广泛的人脉资源,权威的学会顾问,全方面体系的帮助中国餐饮企业全球海外发展与拓展。 联系我们
  • 中餐海外品牌策划及推广

    专业的品牌运营与市场推广是一个成功品牌的关键,美国中餐学会拥有顶尖的美国品牌策划和市场营销的团队精英。 不论您需要品牌形象策划, 店面装修,广告推广,平面设计, 网站设计,还是社交媒体我们都会提供专业的服务为您打造成功的品牌。 联系我们
  • 中餐海外服务咨询

    美国中餐学会作为全美最权威的中餐组织为提供一切有关美国餐饮业的各类咨询服务,如何选址, 如何开办经营餐馆,各州的开办餐馆的法律程序, 税务问题,食品条例,市场定位, 推广引流, 菜品质量,成本,装修,市场营销等所有相关问题。 联系我们
  • 中餐技能培训

    美国中餐学会提供一切餐饮行业的职业培训,包括经营培训,厨师培训, 礼仪培训, 员工培训,卫生培训,服务培训, 专业技能培训,市场推广培训等。 联系我们