彭子渝 注册元老级中国烹饪大师;川菜大师;国家级酒店、饭店定级评审员;餐饮业国家级评委;劳动保障部国家级技能竞赛评审员;四川省饮食服务行业协会副秘书长;原成都市烹饪协会秘书长;四川师范大学职业教育学院餐饮管理分院专家委员会副主任;四川省教育厅川菜研究发展中心学术委员,四川信息工程学院银杏餐饮管理学院烹饪专业学科带头人。 从事餐饮工作55年,曾任厨师,酒店经理,烹饪学校教务长、校长,成都市饮食集团公司技术研究室主任。长期的实践和钻研使之对川菜有全面的掌握,技术全面,对苏、鲁、粤菜也有较深的了解,尤其对川菜宴会设计有独到见解。曾主持中国首届西部论坛、中国西部六省七方会议、中国城建市长工作会议、中国中医药大会、中国市长协会年会等全国性大型会议和许多重要接待的餐饮工作并任宴会总监,受到有关部门及领导的好评;对烹饪理论有很深的研究,出版有《川菜新作》、《成都小吃》、《餐厅服务》、《教学菜》、《筵席组合》等专著,主编了《成都美食大全》、《川菜群芳谱》等书,任《川菜烹饪事典》编委、《四川省志.川菜志》副主编,《川菜天地》杂志主篇,编辑导演的《中国名菜谱.四川》电视欣赏教学片曾获中国科协、国家出版总署颁发的国家级大奖,在国家级、省级报刊发表有上百篇论文及学术文章。任成都市历届厨师、服务师技术职称考核评委并担任命题工作;曾任四川省劳动厅烹饪专业教材编审委员会主任,组织编写和审定了四川省烹饪学校全套专业教材;担任过全国首次“中华名小吃”命名评委、全国首届豆腐菜大赛评委、全国首届辣味菜大赛评委。 曾担任热播电视连续剧《林师傅在首尔》的厨艺顾问。
Certified Senior Chinese Culinary Master Chef
Master Chef of Sichuan Cuisine
National hotel and restaurant rating inspector.
National judges of the Catering Industry
National judges of skill competition of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Deputy Secretary-General of Sichuan Food Service Industry Association.
Former Secretary General of Chengdu Culinary Association.
Deputy Director ,Expert Committee, Catering Management Branch, Vocational Education College, Sichuan Normal University.
Academic Committee Member, Sichuan Cuisine Research and Development Center, Sichuan Provincial Education Department.
Subject leader of the culinary profession in Ginkgo Food and Beverage Management College of Sichuan Information Engineering College.
He is engaged in the catering industry for 55 years.
He used to be a chef, hotel manager, principal and dean of the culinary college and director of the technical research department of Chengdu Catering Group Company.
Because of his long-term practice and research, he has a comprehensive grasp of Sichuan cuisine and comprehensive technology and a deep understanding of Su, Lu and Cantonese cuisine, especially for the Sichuan banquet design.
He served as the banquet director to host the catering work of the many national large-scale conferences and the many important receptions. For example, the first Western Forum of China, the Seven-Party Conference of the Six Provinces of China, the Mayor’s Working Conference of China’s Urban Construction, the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference, the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Mayors Association, etc. He was highly praised by relevant departments and leaders.
He has deep research on cooking theory. He has published monographs such as “New Sichuan Cuisine”, “Chengdu Snacks”, “Restaurant Service”, “Teaching Meal”, “Feast Combination”, etc. He has edited books such as “Chengdu Food Encyclopedia” and “Sichuan Cuisine Group”. He became the editorial board member of the Sichuan Cuisine Cooking Dictionary, the associate editor of the Sichuan Chronicle-Sichuan Cuisine Chronicle and magazine main article of Sichuan Cuisine world.
The TV appreciation teaching film Chinese famous recipes’ he edited and directed was awarded the National Grand Prize by the China Association for Science and Technology and the National Publishing Administration. He published hundreds of papers and academic articles in national and provincial newspapers and periodicals.
He used to be the judge of Chengdu’s previous Chef, service technology assessment and served as the proposition work.
Former Director of the Editorial Committee of the Culinary Professional Teaching Materials of the Sichuan Provincial Labor Department. He has organized and approved a full set of professional textbooks for Sichuan cooking schools.
He has served as the first “Chinese famous snack” naming judge, the first national tofu cooking contest judge, the first spicy food cooking contest judge.
Formerly a culinary consultant for the hit TV series “Master Lin in Seoul”