楊楷宏Michael Yang
红土管理有限公司 創始人 Redlands Management LLC

楊楷宏 (Michael Yang) 先生為 Redlands Management LLC (红土管理有限公司) 創始人,該公司位於美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市,為日出茶太、許留山、江湖串串等多個連鎖知名品牌在美國之全權代理商 。

楊先生於 1997 年畢業於廈門大學,獲國際新聞專業學士學位,隨後於 2001 年取得美國 Baldwin Wallace College 工商管理碩士學位 (MBA)。彼曾任美國中南紙業有限公司(玖龍紙業美國之母公司)總裁助理、管理總監、物流高級經理等職,負責集團公司北美及亞
洲地區的倉儲、配送等物流業務,擁有物流行業豐富的操作及管理經驗。楊楷宏先生於2013 年創建紅土管理有限公司,專注於餐飲品牌在美國的推廣及加盟,目前直營及加盟管理逾 50 家餐飲店面,結合其在物流領域的豐富資源及經驗,建立了完整的管理團隊,在評估商業地段、設計施工、人員培訓、原物料採購及配送,以及市場推廣方面,為加盟商提供高效的服務。


Michael Yang – founder of Redlands Management LLC, a company with headquarter and warehouse in Los Angeles, California. Redlands Management LLC is master franchisor and owner of multiple food & beverage brands, including Chatime, Hui Lau Shan, Sichuan Skewer and others. Redlands currently manages over 40 stores in mainland US.

Michael Yang was in charge of global transportation for 7 years in American Chung Nam, the largest container exporter in the world with headquarter in the City of Industry California, before he established his own supplier chain service provider, Duke System Logistics Inc. In 2013, Michael Yang created Redlands Management LLC, to successfully integrated his know-how on supplier chain into the food and beverage industry. Redlands Management becomes franchisor for multiple well-known brands including Chatime, Hui Lau Shan and Braised Chicken, that has a combined a number of more than 8,500 stores globally. Michael Yang and his team provide a complete solution for F&B brands to expand in the US market. Their expertise in commercial evaluation, design and T.I., initial staff training, ingredient purchase and distribution, marketing and franchise management, has helped many to enter the
market successfully.