

黃華清是美國酒店華裔協會的創始人,該協會是一個 501(C)(3) 非營利組織。他於 1980 年移民到紐約市,然後涉足餐飲業。他於1991年進入酒店業,二十多年來一直致力於幫助辛勤工作的移民,有公平的機會實現他們的美國夢。

在 21 年前的 9 月 11 日悲劇之後,黃先生失去了在萬豪世界貿易中心的工作。 懷著為美國華人社區和國家服務的信念和承諾,黃先生作為志願者加入了美國紅十字會和聯邦應急管理局,幫助人們和家庭重新站起來。


2007年,黃先生涉足地方政治。 意識到華人選民的代表性不足,黃先生肩負著推動華人參政、組織社區選民教育、積極鼓勵華人登記為選民、參與投票的使命。


黃先生今年四月退休後同時辭去美國酒店華裔協會主席職務,留任董事會主席。並被任命為紐約市第一選區市議員馬泰的高級顧問。他關懷華人的社區和鄰居。 他致力於繼續為公眾提供不懈的服務。

Steven W. Wong is the founder of the Hotel Chinese Association of USA. a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. He immigrated to New York City in 1980 and then ventured into the restaurant business. He entered the hospitality industry in 1991 and for more than two decades to help hardworking immigrants have a fair chance to achieve their American Dream.

In the wake of the September 11 tragedy 21 years ago, Mr. Wong lost his job at the Marriott World Trade Center. With a belief and commitment to serve his community and country as a Chinese American citizen, Mr. Wong signed up as a volunteer with the American Red Cross and FEMA, helping people and families get back on their feet.

In 2007, Mr. Wong started the Hotel Chinese Association to promote members’ understanding of the hotel industry. In particular, the rights and responsibilities of migrant workers. He actively trains immigrants and helps them to get into the hospitality industry. He also helps hotel staff with language barriers.

In 2007, Mr. Wong involved in local politics. Realizing how underrepresented Chinese voters Were, Mr. Wong took the mission to promote Chinese participation in politics, organize voter education in the community, and actively encourage Chinese to register as voters and participate in voting. In 2008, he helped city council candidates successfully break the 160-year history of Chinese participation in politics, and elected the first Asian woman to enter the city council to serve as a Chinese community.

Later, with his campaign experience, Mr. Wong has successfully helped candidates of different races become mayors, city council, state officials and state civil court judges.

Mr. Wong retired from his hotel job and resigned as Hotel Chinese Association president in April this year and was appointed as a senior advisor to the New York City Council Member of the 1st District, Christopher Marte .He cares about his community and neighbors. He is committed to continuing to keep service the public tirelessly.