Jan Zheng

Jan Zheng

Jan Zheng is Chair of the board, Chicago Chinese American Association at Greater Chicago (CAAGC). CAAGC is a non-profit, membership organization with over 140 member associations serving the Chinese Americans in great Chicago area. Her mission is to promote cultural, educational, and economic opportunities for the Chinese Americans, and promote linkages and friendships among different communities in great Chicago area.


With a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Jan has worked in top 500 companies for more than two decades. Jan is a recipient of “Outstanding Woman Award” by Congressman Danny Davis of the Seventh District of Illinois; “Mayor’s Award of Excellence” by City of Aurora Mayor Ricard Irvin. “1999-2019 Chinese Community Outstanding Person Award” for the 20th anniversary of Chicago China News & Digest; “Outstanding Leaders” by Mandarin Leader in North America.Jan Zheng was also recognized by City of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot during May AAHPI month in 2022 for her contribution to the promotion and development of city’s diverse cultures. In May 2023, Jan was the recipient of 12th Global Community Oscars Lincoin Service Award of Excellence.


工商管理硕士及通讯管理硕士, 二十多年全球五百强公司管理经验。现任第十二届大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会理事长, 曾任第十一届大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会主席,芝加哥市政府反亚裔仇恨犯罪特设委员会委员。


近年获得部分奖项:2023年国会议员颁发的第12届全球奥斯卡林肯服务奖获得者; 2022年5月因积极促进芝加哥地区多元化文化发展,获得芝加哥市政府及Lightfoot市长亚裔月人物表彰; 2022年2月获伊州Aurora市政府颁发的”市长卓越奖” (Mayor’s Award of Excellence);2019年获得美国国会议员丹尼戴维斯颁发的“杰出女性奖”;《芝加哥华语论坛》“1999-2019华人社区杰出人物”奖; 北美MandarinLeader《名都领袖》领袖人物; 美中时报评选为”美中建交40年40位领军侨领”等。